2020's "Top 5" Nail Fungus Treatments
Author: John Graham - 25 Years Experience Treating Fungal Nail Infections
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Contact Me: Need Personal Assistance With Your Fungus? Contact Me Directly Via Email

Fungal nail infections are notoriously difficult to get rid of. However, if you arm yourself with the right treatment and a little patience, you should have no problems eliminating your nasty infection. But with so many treatments available on the market, how do you know which one will work for you?
My job is to help you make a better decision with your choice of treatment. With three decades of experience dealing with dermatophytic onychomycosis (medical term for nail fungus), I have developed a deep knowledge and understanding of fungal nail infections, how they work, and the best ways to get rid of them. Below, I have compiled a list of the best 3 treatments you can get for your fungal nail infection:
My job is to help you make a better decision with your choice of treatment. With three decades of experience dealing with dermatophytic onychomycosis (medical term for nail fungus), I have developed a deep knowledge and understanding of fungal nail infections, how they work, and the best ways to get rid of them. Below, I have compiled a list of the best 3 treatments you can get for your fungal nail infection:
#1 Zeta Clear
Zeta Clear is the most effective treatment for nail fungus available. The product is a strong topical and oral combination treatment, consisting of a number of high quality ingredients with anti-fungal properties. A common fallacy among people who suffer from fungal nail infections see it as a problem which needs to be treated externally (topical creams). Whilst this is true to a certain extent, it is not even half the battle when it comes to treating the infection as a whole.
An internal (oral) anti-fungal treatment is required to get to the root of the problem. Zeta Clear's oral treatment essentially hunts down the fungal infection and eliminates it at the source; And it does it so efficiently and effectively. The topical solution provides a secondary line of defence by penetrating the affected nail(s) and attacking the fungal infection in the nail bed.
Over the weeks, you will notice gradual improvements in the appearance of your nail(s). With consistent application, all signs of your fungal infection should continue to diminish. Nail discoloration will improve quite rapidly, brittleness/flakiness will be less prominent, any thick nails will begin to thin out, and any pain/tenderness will recede.
A 4-6 month supply of Zeta Clear is recommended (depending on severity). With a little patience it will provide great results and a lot of bang for your buck. The best treatment available, hard to go past.
An internal (oral) anti-fungal treatment is required to get to the root of the problem. Zeta Clear's oral treatment essentially hunts down the fungal infection and eliminates it at the source; And it does it so efficiently and effectively. The topical solution provides a secondary line of defence by penetrating the affected nail(s) and attacking the fungal infection in the nail bed.
Over the weeks, you will notice gradual improvements in the appearance of your nail(s). With consistent application, all signs of your fungal infection should continue to diminish. Nail discoloration will improve quite rapidly, brittleness/flakiness will be less prominent, any thick nails will begin to thin out, and any pain/tenderness will recede.
A 4-6 month supply of Zeta Clear is recommended (depending on severity). With a little patience it will provide great results and a lot of bang for your buck. The best treatment available, hard to go past.
#2 Funginix

Funginix is a lighter topical treatment designed for those with a mild fungal infection. The product has the ability to produce respectable results without being outstanding. If you have had a fungal infection for more than a few months, you may want to overlook this product.
The ingredients do lack a bit of punch, but you get what you pay for. On the plus side, the product contains all natural ingredients and won't cause any irritation. The product is also very affordable.
All positives aside, the ingredients are simply not good enough to put it in the same class as Zeta Clear. Recommended for mild cases of toenail fungus, only some users may be happy to give Funginix a shot.
A reasonable, cheap alternative for lesser cases of toenail fungus. Certainly far from the best treatment on the market, with no guarantee for success, however it may work for some and appeal to those in the early stages of their fungal nail infection. Reasonable value for money.
The ingredients do lack a bit of punch, but you get what you pay for. On the plus side, the product contains all natural ingredients and won't cause any irritation. The product is also very affordable.
All positives aside, the ingredients are simply not good enough to put it in the same class as Zeta Clear. Recommended for mild cases of toenail fungus, only some users may be happy to give Funginix a shot.
A reasonable, cheap alternative for lesser cases of toenail fungus. Certainly far from the best treatment on the market, with no guarantee for success, however it may work for some and appeal to those in the early stages of their fungal nail infection. Reasonable value for money.
#3 Nail Renew

Nail Renew is a topical treatment only. The product is full of hype and self-praise, with a long list of ingredients and a premium price tag, but how well does this product really work?
Nail Renew claims to be suitable for all types of fungal infections, including more severe infections, however that may not be the case. The ingredient list may look impressive, but there are a number of fillers, or ineffective ingredients. On it's own, the topical treatment will still attack the fungal infection from the outside, providing a shorter term "band aid" solution for you, but the lack of an oral treatment will hamper the long term results. Therefore it will be difficult to completely cure the fungal infection with Nail Renew.
Like Funginix, I would class it as a weaker toenail fungus treatment, It simply cannot compete with the power of Zeta Clear. It is hard to see how effective Nail Renew would be compared to the more powerful products with complex ingredients.
A fair treatment for toenail fungus, which provides little value for money. Should be overlooked.
Nail Renew claims to be suitable for all types of fungal infections, including more severe infections, however that may not be the case. The ingredient list may look impressive, but there are a number of fillers, or ineffective ingredients. On it's own, the topical treatment will still attack the fungal infection from the outside, providing a shorter term "band aid" solution for you, but the lack of an oral treatment will hamper the long term results. Therefore it will be difficult to completely cure the fungal infection with Nail Renew.
Like Funginix, I would class it as a weaker toenail fungus treatment, It simply cannot compete with the power of Zeta Clear. It is hard to see how effective Nail Renew would be compared to the more powerful products with complex ingredients.
A fair treatment for toenail fungus, which provides little value for money. Should be overlooked.